#No Fuchsia: Green Seeds Gardening at Millman Street Community Centre


Lily shocked to be associated with nonsense blog…

In 1977, No Fuchsia was a short-lived gardening show which spectacularly failed to capitalise on that year’s punk rock craze.  Perhaps unwisely, the first episode was broadcast live on the eve of the Queen’s silver Jubilee.  It began well enough, with host Percy Throw-Up safety-pinning some clematis to a trellis in the Blue Peter Garden.  Then guest band The Adverts mimed to their song One Chord Wonders on the ‘punk rockery’.  Alas, Percy then embarrassed himself, adding an unwanted, ahem, ‘water feature’ to the garden,  on a red, white and blud silver Jubilee flower bed after being caught short.  The show swiftly descended into debacle as compost was thrown at the cameras and indeed between the guests, which included clean-up TV campaigner Mary Blighthouse and punk poet John Super-Duper Clarke.

It didn’t take the following days’ tabloid headline “The Tilth And The Fury” to tell you that No Fuchsia would be banned, nor that the recording of the broadcast would be consigned to the depths of BBC Television Centre, never to be shown again…

Wouldn’t it be great if any of this was true?  But it is, of course, all nonsense; a pathetic attempt to cover this reporters’s ignorance of (a) gardening and (b) most what goes on at Millman Street Community Centre.

Take last week’s fiasco, where the fool knew nothing about what Rema and HCA members were doing in the Millman Street garden: the subsequent report on this blog was an interminable paean to his benighted incompetence.

This week, the ignoramus was a little more attentive to what went on.  Mind you, it hasn’t improved the report much, as you’ll see below the following slideshow…

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Today, Rema’s Green Seeds gardening group met at Millman Street Community Centre continued. This afternoon’s session saw Helena, Rose and Anne planting senecio and – in contradiction of this week’s title – fuchsia in pots of compost, which everyone agreed was a slight improvement on the aroma of your HCA hack.

Rema also intends to grow some hebes, a plant native to New Zealand, she explained.  Meanwhile, volunteer Gloria did some weeding, and Lily and Fred worked out in the garden, under the supervision of Olive…

The idea is to grow and sell the aforementioned plants at the Open Day at Millman Street Community Centre, which is on Friday, 16th June between 11am and 3pm.


“One Chord Wonders? You sure they didn’t sing Gary Gilmore’s Eyes…?”

Rema’s Green Seeds group meet on Wednesdays at Millman Street Community Centre.

Good photo (top) by Andrew; blighted photos and decaying report by Notes Smudger

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